- Edited by Milton BC Friday, February 20, 2015 10:50 PM
In Office Mail Apps you can only access the current users Mailbox, if you try to access another mailbox (eg say you want to query a the calendar of a Room Mailbox) you will get error. You can see a full list of permission https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp161047.aspx#olowa15conAgave_PermissionModel
In Office Mail Apps you can only access the current users Mailbox, if you try to access another mailbox (eg say you want to query a the calendar of a Room Mailbox) you will get error. You can see a full list of permission https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp161047.aspx#olowa15conAgave_PermissionModel
- Proposed as answer by Jason Johnston [MSFT]Microsoft employee, Moderator 21 hours 2 minutes ago
So if I have available in the user profile, for 2013 exchange, multiple accounts. I won't be able, from the office app, to change the sentFrom property to another account in the profile? As I could in the standard plugin
mailItem.SendUsingAccount = Session.Accounts("Account")
In the SendItem operation, can you modify the from property.
Milton C.
No, for starters you don't have access to the Outlook Object Model in a Mail App, you only have access to the JavaScript API for Office https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp142185.aspx .
In EWS you can SendAS another user but that would require you to access the other users Mailbox which isn't allowed with the Token in a MailApp, you would only be able to send as the current user in a MailApp.