[E2013][EWS][JS][Windows]  JavaScript API Getting Session.Accounts
Can you get the accounts available in the current session through the javascript api for office mail apps? Would that information be available through an EwsRequestAsync call? 
  • Edited by Milton BC Friday, February 20, 2015 10:50 PM
February 21st, 2015 1:30am

In Office Mail Apps you can only access the current users Mailbox, if you try to access another mailbox (eg say you want to query a the calendar of a Room Mailbox) you will get error. You can see a full list of permission https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp161047.aspx#olowa15conAgave_PermissionModel


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February 22nd, 2015 6:10pm

In Office Mail Apps you can only access the current users Mailbox, if you try to access another mailbox (eg say you want to query a the calendar of a Room Mailbox) you will get error. You can see a full list of permission https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp161047.aspx#olowa15conAgave_PermissionModel


February 23rd, 2015 2:11am

So if I have available in the user profile, for 2013 exchange, multiple accounts. I won't be able, from the office app, to change the sentFrom  property to another account in the profile? As I could in the standard plugin 

mailItem.SendUsingAccount = Session.Accounts("Account")

 In the SendItem operation, can you modify the from property.


Milton C. 

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February 23rd, 2015 11:09am

No, for starters you don't have access to the Outlook Object Model in a Mail App, you only have access to the JavaScript API for Office https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp142185.aspx .

In EWS you can SendAS another user but that would require you to access the other users Mailbox which isn't allowed with the Token in a MailApp, you would only be able to send as the current user in a MailApp.


February 23rd, 2015 10:13pm

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